Sunday, August 2, 2015

The teacher…My way to see him…

In normal course, we understand the importance of a teacher to make us imbibe academic values in order to train our brain for our physical needs…but it is highly commercialized as well…as you pay for it…rather buyit…In true sense, a teacher doesn’t trade with you but he prepares you for spiritual elevation of your  soul and interestingly for his own cause…

My firm belief is that our prime responsibility is to be a teacher and unless we do not share or contribute our knowledge, information, experience and wisdom to the society, our soul cannot be emancipated…And the beauty of the whole process is that you don’t need to go to find such teacher (guru) but you have to prepare yourself for elevation…and trust me the real teacher will find you for sure…

You can never find GOD but you can only prepare yourself that GOD finds you…If you see the history of such teachers all through, you will notice that they all found GOD in their visions that they transformed into some religions…GOD has given us HIS sanctity in form of WISDOM and we need to honor it by maintaining our ethics reflecting in our morals…

Stay blessed friends…


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