Sunday, July 19, 2015


Remember, it is always Easier to retaliate, tougher to endure; Easier to mask your weakness, tougher to reveal them;  Easier to deny the truth, tougher to accept them;  Easier to waste time, tougher to expend it wisely;  Easier to criticize others, tougher to praise one's goodness;  Easier to read religious scriptures, tougher to put them into practice;  Easier to complain, tougher to sacrifice;  Easier to expect, tougher to give;  Easier to pray, tougher to surrender…

Choosing the easier path is human, BUT walking on the path that is always GOOD, always right, not necessarily pleasant is the road that leads you to bliss of the Divine…   AND   Divinity sees only beauty, knows only truth, feels only love…Stay blessed friends…


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